A step line graph representing the visual throughput, reported in frames per second, of the application. Press the right and left arrows to navigate.
A span ended here but cannot be displayed because it began while another span was already active on the same thread. Span ...
A special path defines a common location that many graph objects can refer to. For example you might see something like $(SolutionDir) ...
A SQL command string built from user input is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. Microsoft SQL Server and other database ...
a STDC pragma may only appear between declarations in the global scope or before any statements or declarations in a block ...
A step line graph representing the visual throughput, reported in frames per second, of the application. Press the right ...
A stored query or query folder with the name '{0}' has already been imported into this methodology. Duplicates will be ignored. ...
A String that is evaluated to give a default value for the Property when an object of the owning Classifier is instantiated. ...
A table that has a defined column set can have up to 30,000 columns with a maximum of 1024 non-sparse and computed columns. ...
A target file name within the VSTemplate file cannot be used because it is desktop.ini, which can be used to run unauthorized ...