You must configure an Outlook data file (.ost) before using this feature. You can configure a data file when you are online. Go online and attempt the operation again.
You must be online to create a new Forms application. SharePoint Workspace needs to synchronize with other members in the ...
You must check in this document to make it visible to other people. This document was automatically checked out to you because ...
You must choose an additional project to compare the current project to.}Click the Browse button to open a project to compare ...
You must choose one of the tables or views defined by the database as a record source. If no choices are available, the database ...
You must configure an Outlook data file (.ost) before using this feature. You can configure a data file when you are online. ...
You must configure an Outlook data file (.ost) before you can use this folder offline. Would you like to configure a data ...
You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize your folders with your Outlook ...
You must connect to Project Server to save this project before you can publish information to Project Server.}Click the File ...
You must define a sort field or expression for the group header or footer in the report you tried to preview or print.@1@1@8753@1 ...