The Type property specifies the type of resource being shared. Types include disk drives, print queues, interprocess communications (IPC), and general devices.
The type of the value object did not match the specified RegistryValueKind or the object could not be properly converted. ...
The type of the value {0} is not valid. The PSPrimitiveDictionary class accepts only values of types that are fully serializable ...
The Type property contains the type of shutdown that was initiated. This event pertains to both shutdown as well as reboots ...
The Type property reveals the type of route. The values direct(3) and indirect(4) refer to the notion of direct and indirect ...
The Type property specifies the type of resource being shared. Types include disk drives, print queues, interprocess communications ...
The TypeOfAlgorithm specifies the algorithm used for data redundancy and reconstruction. For example, \"P+Q\" (value=5) or ...
the TypeOfService property provides an indication of the abstract parameters of the quality of service desired. These parameters ...
The UDP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which UDP datagrams are sent and received by using ...
The unattend answer file contains an invalid product key. Either remove the invalid key or provide a valid product key in ...