We'll occasionally send you a recap based on photos that you uploaded to OneDrive during a weekend. To share the photos we selected with friends and family, you can just forward this email.
We created new copies of %1!d! files so you don't lose any work. To find them, look for file names that end with your device ...
We created new copies of %1!d! folders so you don't lose any work. To find them, look for folder names that end with your ...
We noticed some unusual activity on your account. To help protect you and our other customers, we've temporarily blocked ...
We will soon lower the prices on all of our monthly storage plans and discontinue annual plans. If you purchase an annual ...
We'll occasionally send you a recap based on photos that you uploaded to OneDrive during a weekend. To share the photos we ...
We're sorry something isn't working right with your OneDrive. To help us diagnose the problem, please provide as much info ...
We've noticed some unusual activity in your {0} account. To help protect you and everyone else, we've temporarily blocked ...
Welcome to {Live.Shared.Strings.Name.MetroMail}. We hope you'll like your new and improved inbox. Send us feedback at any ...
When you add this folder to your {Live.Shared.Strings.ConsumerName.Live.Folders}, you can sync it on your computers with ...