Description: Used to set configuration parameters for the WDS Transport Server Syntax: WDSUTIL [Options] /Set-TransportServer [/Server:] [/ObtainIpv4From:{Dhcp | Range}] [/Start: ] [/End: ] [/StartPort: [/EndPort: [/Profile:{10Mbps | 100Mbps | 1Gbps | Custom}] [/Server: ] The name of the WDS Server. This can be either the NetBIOS name or the FQDN. If not specified, the local server will be used. [/ObtainIpv4From:{Dhcp | Range}] Specifies the source of the IPv4 addresses [/Start: ] Specifies start of the IP Address Range. (Required and Valid only if the IPv4 source is Range) [/End: ] Specifies end of the IP Address Range. (Required and Valid only if the IPv4 source is Range) [/StartPort: ] Specifies start of Port Range [/EndPort: ] Specifies end of Port Range [/Profile: Specifies which Network Profile to use {10Mbps | 100Mbps | 1Gbps | Custom}] EXAMPLES: --------- WDSUTIL /Set-TransportServer /ObtainIpv4From:Range /Start: /End: WDSUTIL /Set-TransportServer /Server:MyWDSServer /ObtainIpv4From:Range /Start: /End: /StartPort:12000 /EndPort:50000 /Profile:10mbps
Description: Used to retrieve properties or data from servers, images, image groups, and devices. Syntax: WDSUTIL /Get- Where ...
Description: Used to retrieve WDS-specific information about a pre-staged device. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Get-Device {/Device: ...
Description: Used to return a server to its original state. This operation generally undoes actions that were performed during ...
Description: Used to revert changes made to the server by running initial server configuration. This includes changes made ...
Description: Used to set configuration parameters for the WDS Transport Server Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Set-TransportServer ...
Description: Used to set server, image, image group, and device configuration. Syntax: WDSUTIL /Set- Where object is one ...
Description: Used to start a previously created ScheduledCast multicast transmission for a WDS image. This is not allowed ...
Description: Used to start a previously created ScheduledCast namespace. This is not allowed for a previously created AutoCast ...
Description: Used to start a WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL /Start- Where object is one of the following: Server TransportServer ...