BOOT APPLICATION The following types apply to entries for boot applications. These types also apply to the boot manager, ...

BOOT APPLICATION  The following types apply to entries for boot applications. These types also apply to the boot manager, memory diagnostic application, Windows OS loader, and the resume application. For information about data formats for these types, run "bcdedit /? FORMATS".  Display =======     GRAPHICSRESOLUTION      Defines the graphics resolution, 1024x768, 800x600,                             etc.     GRAPHICSMODEDISABLED (bool)  Disables graphics mode.     NOVESA (bool)           Disables the use of Video Electronics Standards                             Association (VESA) display modes.  Debugging =========     BAUDRATE (integer)      Defines the baud rate for the serial debugger.     BOOTDEBUG (bool)        Enables the boot debugger.     CHANNEL (integer)       Defines the channel for the 1394 debugger.     DEBUGADDRESS (integer)  Defines the address of a serial port for the                             debugger.     DEBUGPORT (integer)     Defines the serial port number for the serial                             debugger.     DEBUGSTART              Can be ACTIVE, AUTOENABLE or DISABLE.     DEBUGTYPE               Can be SERIAL, 1394 or USB.     NOUMEX (bool)           Causes user-mode exceptions to be ignored.     TARGETNAME (string)     Defines the target name for the USB debugger.  Memory ======     BADMEMORYACCESS (bool)  Allows an application to use the memory described                             by the bad memory list.     BADMEMORYLIST (integerlist)  Defines the list of Page Frame Numbers                                  describing faulty memory in the system.     TRUNCATEMEMORY (integer)    Disregard all memory at or above the specified                                 physical address.     RELOCATEPHYSICAL (integer)  Relocates an automatically selected NUMA node's                                 physical memory to the specified physical                                 address.  Emergency Management Services =============================     BOOTEMS (bool)          Enables Emergency Management Services.     EMSBAUDRATE (integer)   Defines the baud rate for Emergency Management                             Services.     EMSPORT (integer)       Defines the serial port number for Emergency                             Management Services.  Devices and Hardware ===========================     CONFIGACCESSPOLICY      Can be DEFAULT or DISALLOWMMCONFIG.     FIRSTMEGABYTEPOLICY     Can be USENONE, USEALL or USEPRIVATE.     EXTENDEDINPUT (bool)    Enables extended console input functionality.  Applications ============     LOCALE (string)         Defines the locale of the boot application.     NOUMEX (bool)           Causes user-mode exceptions to be ignored.  Recovery ========     RECOVERYENABLED (bool)  Enables the recovery sequence.     RECOVERYSEQUENCE (list) Defines the recovery sequence.  Verification ============     TESTSIGNING (bool)      Allows pre-release test code signing certificates.  For additional types that apply to the boot manager, memory diagnostic application, windows OS loader, or the resume application, run "bcdedit /? TYPES ", where  is one of the following:      BOOTMGR    The boot manager.     MEMDIAG    The memory diagnostic application.     OSLOADER   The Windows OS loader.     RESUME     The resume application.
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