The Microsoft Office Data Source Control offline properties have changed since the Web page was taken offline. Delete the Offline Favorite and then add it back.
The maximum time (in minutes) that inactive objects remain in the memory cache. Inactive objects are objects that are not ...
The maximum time (in seconds) for a connection to remain open. Older connections are closed and reopened for the next query. ...
The maximum time (in seconds) that an Excel Calculation Services session can remain open and inactive before it is shut down, ...
The maximum time (in seconds) that an Excel Web Access session can remain open and inactive, prior to any user interaction, ...
The Microsoft Office Data Source Control offline properties have changed since the Web page was taken offline. Delete the ...
The Microsoft SQL Server service can't be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated ...
The name 'Default' is reserved for the built-in default chart. To use the active chart as the default chart, click Set As ...
The name 'Default' is reserved. To use the active chart as the default, click Set As Default Chart and specify a different ...
The name of the selected item exceeds 255 characters. To be able to use this item in a calculation, please change the name ...