The begin and end action at postition %I64u are not of the same type. Specify matching actions that are the same type and try your command again.
The Backup, Restore or Synchronize command cannot be executed within a user initiated transaction or in transactional batch. ...
The BackupDirectory registry key is not configured correctly. This key should specify the root path where disk backup files ...
The BaseEntity of the {0} is the {1}. Based on the SelectedPath, the specified DrillthroughContext can be used only if the ...
The batch '{0}' cannot be found. This error occurs when the batch was not previously opened by the CreateBatch method. It ...
The begin and end action at postition %I64u are not of the same type. Specify matching actions that are the same type and ...
The begin and end columns at position %I64u are not of the same type. Specify matching columns that are the same type and ...
The BI semantic model in the '%{database/}' database is inconsistent. A database must contain a cube when the database contains ...
The binary code for the script is not found. Please open the script in the designer by clicking Edit Script button and make ...
The binary field is too large. The adapter attempted to read a binary field that was %1!d! bytes long, but expected a field ...