This service caused a delay during hybrid-sleep: File Name : %3 Friendly Name : %5 Version : %7 Total Time : %8ms Degradation Time : %9ms Incident Time (UTC) : %1
This server could not be located on the network. This might be due to one or several of these reasons: a) The target server ...
This server identifies itself to callers before the connection is completed. Select the certificate that you want it to use ...
This server is the owner of the following FSMO role, but does not consider it valid. For the partition which contains the ...
This server is the owner of the following FSMO role, but does not consider it valid. For the partition which contains the ...
This service caused a delay during hybrid-sleep: File Name : %3 Friendly Name : %5 Version : %7 Total Time : %8ms Degradation ...
This service caused a delay in the system shutdown process: File Name : %3 Friendly Name : %5 Version : %7 Total Time : %8ms ...
This service delivers network notifications (e.g. interface addition/deleting etc) to user mode clients. Stopping this service ...
This service hosts the DS Role Server used for DC promotion, demotion, and cloning. If this service is disabled, these operations ...
This service implements the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly ...