Creates a new Resource Allocation Policy. 1. wsrmc /Create:Pol /i:must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Pol /Alloc:[ ] /Pmc: /Cpu: [/Aff: ] [/MgmtRule: ] [/MaxWS: ] [/MaxCM: /MemOpt: ] [/Desc: ] policy-name Name of the Resource Allocation Policy being created. /Alloc Auto-generated name for the resource-allocation using the process matching criteria name. This will be auto generated. Do not supply this name while creating a top level allocation (default). Supply the name of the immediately preceding Allocation to the /Alloc switch, while creating a hierarchy of allocations. /Pmc Name of the Process Matching Criteria. /Cpu Percentage of CPU targeted for this Allocation. /Aff Affinity mask for the Allocation (for example - 0,3,5-11,31 or All) /MgmtRule Management rule for the allocation. Valid values are "EqualPerProcess", "EqualPerUser", "EqualPerSession", "EqualPerIISAppPool", "Standard" /MaxWS Maximum working set per process in megabytes. /MaxCM Maximum committed memory per process in megabytes. /MemOpt Action taken when the specified memory limit is exceeded. Options are - TERMINATEAPP or LOGEVENT. /Desc User defined description for the policy. (Maximum of 256 characters allowed) Process matching criteria can be created when creating a resource allocation policy. Definition of a process matching criteria can be specified after /pmc: . For example: wsrmc /create:pol policy-nameA /alloc /pmc:pmcnameB /rule /path:c: emp /rule /user:userA /cpu:80
Creates a Network Map, consisting of PC and device topology (connectivity) information, and metadata describing each PC and ...
Creates a Network Map, consisting of PC and device topology (connectivity) information, and metadata describing each PC and ...
Creates a new application with the specified settings. At minimum, the parent site's name and application's path must be ...
Creates a new queue with the path name set in PathName (required) and the values set by the optional IsWorldReadable (the ...
Creates a new Resource Allocation Policy. 1. wsrmc /Create:Pol /i: must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Pol /Alloc:[ ...
Creates a new virtual directory with the specified settings. At minimum, the parent applications's identifier and virtual ...
Creates a primary partition on the basic disk with focus. Syntax: CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY SIZE= OFFSET= ID={ | } ALIGN= ...
Creates a Process Matching Criteria. 1. wsrmc /Create:Pmc /i: must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Pmc /Rule /Path: ...
Creates a RAID-5 volume using three or more specified dynamic disks. Syntax: CREATE VOLUME RAID SIZE= DISK= , , , ,. ALIGN= ...