Archive log file in a self-contained format. A subdirectory with the name of the locale is created and all locale-specific ...

Archive log file in a self-contained format. A subdirectory with the name
of the locale is created and all locale-specific information is saved in
that subdirectory. When the directory created by the archive-log command is
present along with the log file, events in the file can be read whether or
not the publisher is installed.


wevtutil { al | archive-log }  [/OPTION:VALUE [/OPTION:VALUE] ...]

The log file to be archived. A log file can be generated using export-log or
clear-log command.


You can use either the short (for example, /l) or long (for example, /locale) 
version of the option names. Options and their values are not case-sensitive.

/{l | locale}:VALUE
VALUE is a locale string to archive a log in a specific locale. If not specified, 
the locale of the current console will be used. For a list of all supported 
locale strings, please refer to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) 
documentation for the LocaleNameToLCID API.