Please make sure the Operations Manager SDK service is running on Root Management Server, the user running setup is MOM Administrator. Also make sure this computer is not already agent or gateway.
Please install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services ServicePack 1. Please use the provided link for more information: ...
Please install the required operating system or its service pack. You can download the latest service packs from ...
Please install the required operating system or its service pack. You can download the latest service packs from ...
Please install WS-Management from ...
Please make sure the Operations Manager SDK service is running on Root Management Server, the user running setup is MOM Administrator. ...
Please make sure the Operations Manager SDK service is running on Root Management Server, the user running setup is Operations ...
Please move all agents, gateway servers, and any devices directly reporting to the Root Management Server to another Management ...
Please move your Operations Manager Data Warehouse to a SQL instance with a supported collation. Consult the deployment guide ...
Please move your Operations Manager Operational Database to a SQL instance with a supported collation. Consult the deployment ...