Pie/Doughnut chart type - When 'CollectedThreshold' custom attribute is set in percentage the value should be in range from 0 to 100.
Permission to create the trace is denied because the user does not have server administrator permissions or permission to ...
Permissions on server scoped catalog views or system stored procedures or extended stored procedures can be granted only ...
Physical CPU id %1!s! has been hot added to node id %2!s! as logical CPU id %3!s!. This is an informational message only. ...
Pie/Doughnut chart type - 'CollectedThresholdUsePercent' custom attribute can be set to values \'true\' or \'false\' only. ...
Pie/Doughnut chart type - When 'CollectedThreshold' custom attribute is set in percentage the value should be in range from ...
PivotKeyValue is not valid. In an UnPivot transform with more than one unpivoted DestinationColumn, the set of PivotKeyValues ...
Plan guide '%1!s!' matched statement after it was parameterized automatically by FORCED or SIMPLE parameterization, but the ...
Please check the version of the database and instance of the server, which the SSIS service configuration is referencing ...
Please close the active connection(s) before detaching the database, or select the {0} option to drop all current connections. ...