You can never change the UserName parameter for the primary Microsoft account on the device. For any other account, you can't change it once the account has synced.
You can listen to a portable music player or other device through this %1 jack. If you connect a microphone, you may hear ...
You can map UNIX identities to Windows identities by including UNIX identity data in a directory service, such as Active ...
You can modify the number of virtual processors based on the number of processors on the physical computer. You can also ...
You can move an item quickly in front of or behind others. To do this, click the item, click the Layout menu, and then click ...
You can never change the UserName parameter for the primary Microsoft account on the device. For any other account, you can't ...
You can now configure or analyze your computer by using the security settings in this database. To Configure Your Computer ...
You can only begin receiving data on a PSJobProxy instance when it has been created with data streaming disabled. This operation ...
You can only extend the volume to the available space shown below because your disk cannot be converted to dynamic or the ...
You can only have one wired connection on the touchscreen at the same time. To switch between them, use the Task view button ...