%11Software Inventory Processor failed to process software inventory file "%1" because the file does not have a corresponding discovery record. Software Inventory Processor has moved this file to the Orphans directory as file "%2" and will retry processing it later.%12 When Software Inventory Processor receives a software inventory file, it acquires the unique numeric ID for the file it is processing from the discovery data in the site database. If this cannot be found, a discovery data record (DDR) is generated, and the software inventory file is temporarily moved to the Orphans directory, where Software Inventory Processor retries the file every 10 minutes. Possible cause: Discovery Data Manager is not running. Solution: Stop and restart Discovery Data Manager. You can use Configuration Manager Service Manager, which is invoked from the Configuration Manager Console, to stop and start components.%0
Software Inventory Agent has insufficient virtual memory or disk space to proceed. The inventory cycle will be delayed by ...
Software Inventory Agent raised an exception while attempting to extract file version information from file "%1".%12 Possible ...
Software Inventory Agent successfully collected %1 files, totally %2 KB of data, from this computer. These files will be ...
Software Inventory Agent was unable to collect one or more files because the maximum size for collected files of %1 MB has ...
Software Inventory Processor failed to process software inventory file "%1" because the file does not have a corresponding ...
Software Inventory Processor failed to process software inventory file "%1," and has moved it to "%2."%12 Possible cause: ...
Software Inventory Processor failed to process the file %1 because it is larger than the defined maximum allowable size of ...
Software Inventory Processor has removed the oldest revision of collected file "%1" for resource "%2". The maximum revision ...
Software Inventory Processor is terminating its processing cycle due to a SQL Server problem.%12 Solution: 1. Review the ...