Add, remove, or modify all or specified host groups in a team project collection TfsConfig lab /hostGroup /collectionName:<[/add /scvmmhostgroup: /name: [/labenvironmentplacementpolicy: {Conservative|Aggressive}] [/dnssuffix: ] [/autoprovision:{True|False}]] [/delete /name: [/noprompt]] [/edit /name: [/autoprovision:{True|False}] [/labenvironmentplacementpolicy: {Conservative|aggressive}] [/dnssuffix: ] [/noprompt]] [/list] [/listscvmmhostgroups]> The /hostGroup option is used to manage host groups for a team project collection. The /hostGroup options lets you assign a host group to a team project collection, remove an assignment, or modify Lab Management properties of the host group. Use one of the /Add, /Delete, /Edit, /List, or /ListVmmHostGroups options with the /hostGroup option on a command line. Some options require that you include additional options. /Add Adds the specified host group to the team project collection. You must specify the /collectionName, /scvmmHostGroupPath, and /name options with /Add. /Delete Removes the specified host group from the team project collection. You must specify the /collectionName and /name options with /Delete. /Edit Changes one or both of the AutoProvision and LabEnvironmentPlacementPolicy properties of the host group. You must specify the /collectionName and /name options with /Edit. /List Lists all host groups that are assigned to the specified team project collection. /ListScvmmHostGroups Lists all host groups that are available in Virtual Machine Manager. /collectionName: Required. Specifies the name of the team project collection on the application-tier Team Foundation Server. /scvmmHostGroup: Required with /Add. Specifies the fully qualified domain name (FDQN) of the VMM host group. The FQDN path can be found by using the VMM Admin Console. /name: Required with /Add. Specifies the name for the host group in the team project collection. /autoProvision{True|False} Optional with /Add or /Edit. Specifies whether the host group is automatically assigned to each team project in the collection. By default, /autoProvision is set to true, and host groups are automatically assigned to team projects in a collection. Note: The /autoProvision option affects existing team projects. /labEnvironmentPlacementPolicy:{Conservative|Aggressive} Optional with /Add or /Edit. Specifies how Lab Management treats the physical machines in a host group on which it deploys new virtual lab environments. Conservative (Default). Considers non-running virtual environments in deployment decisions. This includes all virtual machines which are part of environments which are in "Stopped" state as well. Aggressive. Does not consider non-running virtual environments in deployment decisions. /noPrompt Optional with /Add, /Edit, or /Delete. When specified, does not display progress and result data in the command window. /dnsSuffix:< dns suffix for network isolation> Optional with /Add or /Edit. Specifies the DNS suffix that will be used to register the names of virtual machines on the isolated network for the virtual environments within this host group. To confirm that the suffix is configured correctly in the DNS hierarchy, contact your network administrator.
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Add the MarshalAsAttribute to the return type of P/Invoke {0}. If the corresponding unmanaged return type is a 4-byte Win32 ...
Add, list or remove all or specified host groups in a team project. TfsLabConfig TPHostGroup /collection: /teamProject: /add ...
Add, list or remove all or specified library shares in a team project. TfsLabConfig TPLibraryShare /collection: /teamProject: ...
Add, remove, or modify all or specified host groups in a team project collection TfsConfig lab /hostGroup /collectionName: ...
Add, remove, or modify all or specified host groups in a team project collection TfsLabConfig TPCHostGroup /collection: /name: ...
Add, remove, or modify all or specified library shares in a team project collection TfsConfig lab /libraryShare /collectionName: ...
Add, remove, or modify all or specified library shares in a team project collection TfsLabConfig TPCLibraryShare /collection: ...
AddHandler keyword Declares an AddHandler accessor, which specifies the statements to execute when an event handler is added. ...