The path cannot be used for creating a drive path likely because the folder does not exist or is already a drive path to some other volume.
The path '%s' cannot be found. Verify that you have access to this location and try again, or try to find the installation ...
The path '%s' does not exist. This path will be ignored for now. The directory was probably deleted and will not be included ...
The path '{0}' specifies a disk that is in another cluster group. To move the disk into the virtual machine's cluster group, ...
The path '{0}' specifies a disk that is still in available storage and has not been moved into the virtual machine's cluster ...
The path cannot be used for creating a drive path likely because the folder does not exist or is already a drive path to ...
The path chosen for the system volume is not accessible. Please either manually delete the contents of the path or choose ...
The path expression cannot contain the reserved escape character '|'. Use an expression without reserved characters. |' - ...
The path is not in the correct format. Paths can contain only provider and drive names separated by slashes or backslashes. ...
The path is not in the correct format. Provider paths must contain a provider Id, followed by "::", followed by a provider ...