Could not find a history file with the same major version number as the one being edited, therefore these edits can not be processed. Try increasing the number of history files or editing a newer version of the metabase.xml file.%1%2%3%4%5%0
Could not delete value 2 from key 3]. { System error 4].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact ...
Could not determine the host computer's fully-qualified domain name which is required to connect to the virtual machine's ...
Could not establish connection with the Database Server. Either the Database server name is invalid or the machine does not ...
Could not establish connection with the remote Database Server. Either the WSRM service is not running on the Database Server, ...
Could not find a history file with the same major version number as the one being edited, therefore these edits can not be ...
Could not find any performance counter sets on the {0} computer: error {1:x8}. Verify that the {0} computer exists, that ...
Could not find DFSR Global Objects, so cannot set Global state. Please try dfsrmig /CreateGlobalObjects, and then set the ...
Could not find the application for the cached script in the policy logging database, error %1!x!. The script will not be ...
Could not find the virtual machine configuration resource on which virtual machine '{0}' depends in virtual machine role ...