In order for your computer to appear on a network, its name cannot be longer than 15 characters or contain any spaces or characters aside from the numbers 0-9, the letters A-Z and a-z, and hyphens.
In order for %s to run on your IIS Web server, the following files must be enabled. Disabling or removing a file might cause ...
In order for changes to the RADIUS authentication or accounting ports to take effect, the service must be stopped (if it ...
In order for the Internet Connection Wizard to continue, you must restart your computer, and then rerun the wizard. To restart ...
In order for the IPX Router Manager (which runs as part of the Routing and Remote Access Service) to run, it had to start ...
In order for your computer to appear on a network, its name cannot be longer than 15 characters or contain any spaces or ...
In order for your phone book to be downloaded properly, the phone book name must be eight characters or less and it cannot ...
In order to dial correctly, your computer might require additional information, such as a calling-card number or the area ...
In order to install a printer driver for Windows NT 4.0 or a later version, this computer must be running Windows NT 4.0 ...
In order to install Active Directory, you must first make these ports available by removing or reconfiguring the services ...