Use the Not Equal functoid to return the value "true" if the first input parameter is not equal to the second input parameter. This functoid requires two input parameters.
Use the Multiplication functoid to multiply one numeric input parameter with another numeric input parameter. This functoid ...
Use the Natural Exponential Function functoid to return e raised to a specified power. This functoid requires one input parameter. ...
Use the Natural Logarithm functoid to return the base e logarithm of a value. This functoid requires one input parameter. ...
Use the Nil Value functoid to output a nil value to a destination element. This functoid takes zero or one input parameter. ...
Use the Not Equal functoid to return the value "true" if the first input parameter is not equal to the second input parameter. ...
Use the Octal functoid to return an octal value when given a decimal number as input. This functoid requires one input parameter. ...
Use the Record Count functoid to generate the value of how many times a record or field element occurs in a message instance. ...
Use the Remove Application Identifier functoid to remove a particular application identifier. This functoid requires 3 input ...
Use the Round functoid to round a numeric input parameter to a whole number or to a specified number of decimal places. This ...