To load drivers for the following devices, click Add Drivers. (If the hardware is not installed, the driver for the specific device will not be loaded).
To install Windows, you must run Windows installation. If you cancel the installation, your computer might restart. Are you ...
To leave the auditing entries unchanged and display only the recognized auditing entries in a read-only view, click Cancel. ...
To leave the permissions unchanged and display only the recognized permission entries in a read-only view, click Cancel. ...
To let Cortana do her best work, Microsoft collects and uses information including your location and location history, contacts, ...
To load drivers for the following devices, click Add Drivers. (If the hardware is not installed, the driver for the specific ...
To maintain compatibility with 64-bit versions of Windows, it is necessary that applications should natively support 64-bit ...
To make it easy to find and play your digital media files, you can add them to your Player library. Do you want to select ...
To make sure that you can sign in to this PC after disconnecting from the organization, enter the sign-in info for a local ...
To make this Analytic, Debug or Classic event log easier to navigate and manipulate, first save it in .evtx format by using ...