Only a scalar column reference is allowed for argument %{ArgumentIndex/} of the function '%{FunctionName/}' at line %d{Line/}, column %d{Column/}.
Only a constant expression that returns a positive number is allowed in the third argument of a Top or Bottom function. The ...
Only a nested table column with a KEY column inside is allowed in an association prediction function. See line %d{Line/}, ...
Only a nested table column with a KEY SEQUENCE column can be used in a sequence prediction function. The error occurred at ...
Only a predictable column (or a column that is related to a predictable column) can be referenced from the mining model in ...
Only a scalar column reference is allowed for argument %{ArgumentIndex/} of the function '%{FunctionName/}' at line %d{Line/}, ...
Only a table column reference is allowed for the '%{ArgumentIndex/}' argument of the function '%{FunctionName/}' at line ...
Only a top-level column or a nested table column with a KEY TIME column inside can be used in a time series prediction function. ...
Only an expression that returns a table is allowed as the parameter of the Exists function. The error occurred at line %d{Line/}, ...
Only an expression that returns a table is allowed in the first argument of a Top or Bottom function. The error occurred ...