This message was not delivered to {0} because the message contents are restricted by policy. Contact your system administrator for more information. (ID: {1})
This is the total number of conferences that could not be automatically deactivated by the Focus. It does not include conferences ...
This link gives a detailed description on troubleshooting Enterprise Voice including approaches, procedures, and tools." ...
This meeting may have expired, or it's possible you're using a bad URL. If the latter, try calling into the meeting using ...
This message was not delivered to {0} because the address is outside of your organization and is not federated with your ...
This message was not delivered to {0} because the message contents are restricted by policy. Contact your system administrator ...
This message was not delivered to {0}, possibly because it contains a hyperlink or other content that the system administrator ...
This message wasn't sent to {0} because the conversation is already in progress. Check your open conversations, or try again ...
This metric provides a view of the average outgoing frame rate sent by a viewer. The maximum possible value is 2.5 fps, but ...
This metrics provide an averaged view of the outgoing content (tiles per second) at the Sharers (content source's viewing ...