You are removing the last server from the organization "%s"; however, Setup doesn't have sufficient permissions to remove the organization from Active Directory. After setup has completed, you must log on using an account that is a member of the Organization Management role group, and then run Setup with the "/RemoveOrg" parameter.
You are assigning permissions to the local group %s. Local groups can only be used in the domain where they are created, ...
You are attempting to remove permissions ({2}) that user {0} does not have. You cannot remove a right that the user does ...
You are attempting to remove the last public folder database in the organization. If you remove this database, all of its ...
You are removing the last server from the Administrative Group "%s". This Administrative Group may still contain policy settings ...
You are removing the last server from the organization "%s"; however, Setup doesn't have sufficient permissions to remove ...
You are removing the last server from the Routing Group "%s". This Routing Group may still contain connectors or configuration ...
You are removing the server object for this machine from the Active Directory; but setup will be unable to remove the computer's ...
You are setting both the ForwardingAddress parameter and the ForwardingSmtpAddress parameter. ForwardingSmtpAddress will ...
You aren't authorized to perform the search. You need to have permissions to search for the sender of the message or for ...