!x,alpha,beta,cumulative!!Returns the gamma distribution!is the value at which you want to evaluate the distribution, a nonnegative number!is a parameter to the distribution, a positive number!is a parameter to the distribution, a positive number. If beta = 1, GAMMADIST returns the standard gamma distribution!is a logical value: return the cumulative distribution function = TRUE; return the probability mass function = FALSE or omitted!
with most of Microsoft Office Excel formatting. If the object is an OLE control, this includes all extended properties of ...
x!Returns the Fisher transformation!is the value for which you want the transformation, a number between -1 and 1, excluding ...
x!Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function!is the value for which you want to calculate GAMMALN, a positive number! ...
x,alpha,beta,A,B!Returns the cumulative beta probability density function!is the value between A and B at which to evaluate ...
x,alpha,beta,cumulative!Returns the gamma distribution!is the value at which you want to evaluate the distribution, a nonnegative ...
x,alpha,beta,cumulative!Returns the Weibull distribution!is the value at which to evaluate the function, a nonnegative number!is ...
x,deg_freedom!Returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution!is the value at which you want to evaluate ...
x,deg_freedom,tails!Returns the Student's t-distribution!is the numeric value at which to evaluate the distribution!is an ...
x,deg_freedom1,deg_freedom2!Returns the F probability distribution (degree of diversity) for two data sets!is the value at ...