Provides the highest resolution time stamp and is the least expensive to retrieve. However, the CPU counter is unreliable and should not be used in production. For example, on some computers, the timers will change frequency due to thermal and power changes, in addition to stopping in some states.
Provide a Phone access simple URL for your deployment. Only one Phone access simple URL can be configured globally, and it ...
Provide the required parameters as follows: .\DeployReports.ps1 -storedUserName YourUserAccount -storedPassword YourPassword ...
Provides a high-resolution (100 nanoseconds) time stamp but is comparatively more expensive to retrieve. You should use this ...
Provides a low-resolution (10 milliseconds) time stamp but is comparatively less expensive to retrieve. System time is the ...
Provides the highest resolution time stamp and is the least expensive to retrieve. However, the CPU counter is unreliable ...
Provisioning data for the application could not be retrieved. Please check logs and inner exception for more details. Also, ...
Provisioning data for the application could not be retrieved. The components needed for provisioning the application have ...
Proxy configuration changes were applied successfully. Request compression on outgoing server to server connections 1=yes,0=no]: ...
PSTN bridge access numbers could not be updated. It will be retried, but this error continues to occur, the Lync Server service ...