The Antecedent reference represents the existing slot(s) of the hosting board, or frame that are being adapted to accommodate a card that would otherwise not be physically and/or electrically compatible with it.
The analyze wait chain tree shows which processes (root nodes in the tree) are using, or waiting to use, a resource that ...
The answer file is currently associated with the Windows image {0}. Do you want to remove the associated Windows image from ...
The Antecedent property references a target for a DFS node. A node that is a link has one or more targets. A node that is ...
The Antecedent reference is the Account used in the initiation of this session. The account could be either a user account ...
The Antecedent reference represents the existing slot(s) of the hosting board, or frame that are being adapted to accommodate ...
The Antecedent reference represents the Win32_BaseService containing the base service relied upon by the Dependent property ...
The Antecedent reference represents the Win32_DiskDrive containing the properties of the disk drive where the partition exists. ...
The Antecedent reference represents the Win32_DiskPartition containing the properties of a disk partition where the logical ...
The Antecedent reference represents the Win32_LoadOrderGroup containing the properties of the load order group that must ...