Unable to remove the module '{0}' because it is marked as 'constant.' A module cannot be removed if it is marked 'constant.'
Unable to read the performance counter explain text strings defined for the %1!s! language ID. The first DWORD in the Data ...
Unable to read the performance counter strings defined for the %1!s! language ID. The first DWORD in the Data section contains ...
Unable to receive a ScriptNotify event from: ' '. The website attempted to send a ScriptNotify event to the app from a WebView ...
Unable to receive a ScriptNotify event from: ' '. The website attempted to send a ScriptNotify event to the app from a WebView ...
Unable to remove the module '{0}' because it is marked as 'constant.' A module cannot be removed if it is marked 'constant.' ...
Unable to remove the module '{0}' because it is read-only. Add the Force parameter to your command to remove read-only modules. ...
Unable to remove the module '{0}' because it is required by '{1}'. Add the Force parameter to your command to remove the ...
Unable to remove Windows Search Service indexed data for user '%1' in response to user profile deletion. Error code %2. %3.%0 ...
Unable to repair the network configuration for checkpoint '%1'. If you apply this checkpoint, the virtual machine may not ...