CoId=%1: The user %2 is trying to establish a link to the Remote Access Server for the connection named %3 using the following device: %4.
CoID=%1: The user %2 has connected and has been successfully authenticated on port %3. Data sent and received over this link ...
CoID=%1: The user %2 has connected and has been successfully authenticated on port %3. Data sent and received over this link ...
CoId=%1: The user %2 has dialed a connection named %3 to the Remote Access Server which has successfully connected. The connection ...
CoId=%1: The user %2 has started dialing a %3 connection using a %4 connection profile named %5. The connection settings ...
CoId=%1: The user %2 is trying to establish a link to the Remote Access Server for the connection named %3 using the following ...
CoId=%1: The user connected to port %2 has been disconnected because the authentication process did not complete within the ...
Collection is an abstract class that provides a common superclass for data elements that represent collections of ManagedElements ...
Collections of type "{0}" do not allow duplicate items. An attempt was made to add an duplicate item identified by the key ...
CollectionSetting represents the association between a CollectionOfMSEs class and the Setting class(es) defined for them. ...