If a volume exists, it will be restored as the same usage type (local, tiered) as of the existing volume. If the volume has been deleted, it will be restored based upon the type stored in the snapshot. If you wish to change the type, please go to Modify volume once restore is complete. Locally-pinned volumes will be instantly restored (same as tiered volumes) and made available online while volume data will continue to download in the background.
I agree to {0}rsquo;s legal terms and that Microsoft will transfer my subscription and contact information to {0}. See also ...
I confirm that I have taken all the volumes offline on the host. I understand that if the selected volumes are not offline ...
I have allocated the required bandwidth and storage for protection. {capacityPlanningReadMoreId}|Read more|{capacityPlanningReadMoreLink}|_blank ...
If "On" only users who are assigned to the app will be able to access it. If "Off" any user who attempts to access the app ...
If a volume exists, it will be restored as the same usage type (local, tiered) as of the existing volume. If the volume has ...
If any third-party extensions have been selected for installation, I acknowledge that I am getting such software from the ...
If events arrive outside one of the timeframes, one of the following actions will be taken: Drop or Adjust. If you want to ...
If something goes wrong, for example, if your database is not accessible, we can keep at least one export indefinitely regardless ...
If the app has been configured to used Password-based Single Sign On, then enabling this will allow the approver to optionally ...