You have supplied a session ID for which output should be generated, but no output destination has been provided. Please specify either the -or, -of or -ox option as well.
You have specified integrated security or credentials in the connection string for the data source, but the data source is ...
You have specified table lists from the console and from a file. You may only supply a table list from one source. Please ...
You have specified that the connection requires Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), but there are no available HTTPS URLs. Either ...
You have specified workloads from both a table and a file. You may only supply workloads from one source. Please remove either ...
You have supplied a session ID for which output should be generated, but no output destination has been provided. Please ...
You may achieve better results with more training data. We recommend that you set 'Percentage of the testing data' to less ...
You may not use a calculated measure or an aggregation function for the column '%{measure/}' in the RETURN clause of the ...
You might achieve better results with more training data. We recommend that you set the 'Percentage of the testing data' ...
You must be a member of the db_owner fixed database role for the publication database or a member of the sysadmin fixed server ...