SERVER-->OWNER TABLE: Each row represents the (owner address - version#) mapping table obtained from a particular WINS server. We have a problem if the diagonal element is not the highest in its column. List of Owners ---->
Server Packets Received : %1!u! Success : %2!u! (Bubble %3!u!, Echo %4!u!, RS %5!u!) Failure : %6!u! (Hdr %7!u!, Src %8!u!, ...
Server Reconnects counts the number of times your Redirector has had to reconnect to a server in order to complete a new ...
Server Sessions counts the total number of security objects the Redirector has managed. For example, a logon to a server ...
Server Sessions Hung counts the number of active sessions that are timed out and unable to proceed due to a lack of response ...
SERVER->OWNER TABLE: Each row represents the (owner address - version#) mapping table obtained from a particular WINS server. ...
SERVER->OWNER TABLE: Each row represents the (owner address - version#) mapping table obtained from a particular WINS server. ... Brand=SYSTEMRESTORE UI LCID=1033 Stage1URL=/StageOne/this/will/not/exist Stage2URL=/dw/SystemRestoreTwo.asp ...
Servers also act as clients. These client features are used to enable services. A server can support multiple client features. ...
Servers identify themselves using a service principal name (SPN), which is usually the full DNS name of the server. For externally ...