We\'d like to prevent errors like this. You can help by sending us an error report. This will include a copy of your file, which we\'ll only use to fix the problem and to help improve {webappshort}.
We have refreshed your presentation with changes made by other authors. For conflicting changes, choose which version to ...
We need to upgrade media objects in this presentation. Would you also like us to embed all linked media files and convert ...
We're sorry, something went wrong that might make PowerPoint unstable. Please save your presentations and restart PowerPoint. ...
webappshort} can't open this presentation for editing because too many users are editing it right now. Please try again later. ...
We\'d like to prevent errors like this. You can help by sending us an error report. This will include a copy of your file, ...
We\'re setting up your {0} so you can start creating new documents. This might take a few minutes.{1}Please refresh the browser ...
You are about to open a file that will create thousands of shapes. During the time it takes to create this file, your system ...
You are attempting to insert content with an ActiveX control that has not been enabled in your security settings. To insert ...
You are scaling to a new slide size. Would you like to maximize the size of your content, or scale it down to ensure it will ...