A deleted mailbox is recoverable for a limited time. After that, it is permanently deleted, and you can't recover it. Learn more...
A database operation has encountered an I/O error. The Microsoft Exchange Transport service is shutting down. Exception details: ...
A database operation has encountered an I/O error. The Microsoft Exchange Transport service is shutting down. Exception details: ...
A default role assignment policy wasn't found. New mailboxes won't have any role assigned unless a role assignment policy ...
A deleted mailbox is recoverable for a limited time. After that, it is permanently deleted, and you can ft recover it. Learn ...
A deleted mailbox is recoverable for a limited time. After that, it is permanently deleted, and you can't recover it. Learn ...
A different type of Active Directory object already exists for "{0}" in the cloud-based service. Please verify that the SMTP ...
A discovery mailbox can't be created on server '{0}'. The database that contains the mailbox store must be located on a server ...
A Distinguished Name DN cannot be generated for this object. The Directory prevents further objects of this type from being ...
A Distinguished Name DN cannot be generated for this object. The Directory prevents further objects of this type from being ...