Usage: hwrcomp -lang -type -comment -check | -o -check Verify the input file -lang Assign this default language to the dictionary ...

Usage: hwrcomp [-lang ]
               [-type ]
               [-comment ]
               [-check | -o ]

-check                Verify the input file
-lang         Assign this default language to the dictionary file.
                      Locale is of the form - using ISO codes
-type           Assign this type to the dictionary file
-comment     Compile this comment into the dictionary file
-o  Output to this file name.
                      If this option is missing, use .hwrdict

hwrcomp -check mylist1.txt
  verifies file content
hwrcomp -lang en-US -type SECONDARY-DICTIONARY -o myrsrc1 mylist1.txt 
  compiles mylist1.txt into myrsrc1.hwrdict,
  assigns language 'English (US)' and type 'SECONDARY-DICTIONARY'