There must be a 'TRUE/FALSE' expression in the IF, WHILE or REPEAT sentence. The current expression is a Boolean type array./n/nChoose an individual 'TRUE/FALSE' value with an expression such as:/n/nBooleanArray[...]
There is not enough space on the disk to contain the entire title of the object file. Please choose a medium that has more ...
There is not sufficient available space in the C/AL stack memory to execute this task./n/nThere are too many simultaneous ...
There is not sufficient space available in the database to perform this task. You can obtain more space by:/n/n* Expanding ...
There is redundancy in the Shop Calendar. Actual work shift %1 from : %2 to %3. Conflicting work shift %4 from : %5 to %6. ...
There must be a 'TRUE/FALSE' expression in the IF, WHILE or REPEAT sentence. The current expression is a Boolean type array./n/nChoose ...
There must be a '[' because the variable is an array. For example:/n/nMyArray[.]/nMyArray[MyVar]/nMyArray[1,2]/nMyArray[1][2] ...
There must be a record variable in the WITH sentence. For example:/n/nWITH . DO . ;/nWITH . DO BEGIN . ; . ; END ;/nWITH ...
There must be a record variable in the WITH sentence. The current variable has another type. For example:/n/nWITH MyRec DO ...
There must be an IF sentence with an ELSE sentence. For example:/n/nIF . THEN . ELSE . ;/nIF . THEN IF . ELSE . ELSE . ;/nIF ...