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Thank you for purchasing Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007. Your subscription number is: {0} . Microsoft Online will notify ...
Thank you for purchasing Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007. Your subscription number is: {0} . Microsoft Online will notify ...
Thank you for registering for the Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 trial. Your subscription number is: {0} . Microsoft ...
Thank you for registering for the Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 trial. Your subscription number is: {0} . Microsoft ...
Thank you for registering for {DEL_OFFER_NAME}. With Microsoft Online Services, we put our IT resources to work for you. ...
Thank you for subscribing to {DEL_OFFER_NAME}. Unfortunately, we encountered an issue with processing your request: {DB_ ...
Thank you for subscribing to {DEL_OFFER_NAME}. Unfortunately, we encountered an issue with processing your request: {DB_ ...
Thank you for trying the services currently offered for trial or purchase through Microsoft Online Services. There are currently ...
Thank you for trying the services currently offered for trial through Microsoft Online Services. There are currently no other ...