Total number of times the group membership information wasn't found in the resolved groups cache. Resolved groups cache stores the result of resolving a group's SMTP address to the corresponding Active Directory object GUID.
Total Number of Timed-out Call Answering Rule Evaluations is the total number of calls for which call answering rules weren't ...
Total number of times the group membership information was found in the expanded groups cache. Expanded groups cache stores ...
Total number of times the group membership information was found in the resolved groups cache. Resolved groups cache stores ...
Total number of times the group membership information wasn't found in the expanded groups cache. Expanded groups cache stores ...
Total number of times the group membership information wasn't found in the resolved groups cache. Resolved groups cache stores ...
Total Over Quota Dumpster Items Deleted is the total number of items deleted due to mailbox over dumpster quota by the Managed ...
Total Over Quota Dumpster Items is the total number of items found in the dumpster of the over quota mailboxes by the Managed ...
Total Over Quota Dumpsters is the total number of mailboxes for which the dumpster was over quota and were processed by Managed ...
Total Play on Phone Calls is the total number of Play on Phone calls that have been initiated since the service was started. ...