Hyperlinks must begin with http://, https://, mailto:, news:, ftp://, file://, /, # or \\. Check the address and try again.
However, the timer job '{0}' has been disabled. Contact the system administrator to re-enable or execute this timer job to ...
Http throttling second stage starts because a heavy load was still detected on %1. The excessive performance counters include: ...
Hub uri will be changed to {0}. By default, all published packages will become unpublished, and all subscriber sites will ...
Hyperlinks must begin with "http://", "https://", "mailto:", "news:", "ftp://", "file://", or "\". Check the address and ...
Hyperlinks must begin with http://, https://, mailto:, news:, ftp://, file://, /, # or \. Check the address and try again. ...
I have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of the End User License Agreement(s) and so signify by clicking "I accept ...
I will configure everything myself. I can launch this wizard again from the Configuration Wizards page in the Central Administration ...
ID10509.ReturnValue% on %ID10511.ReturnValue% has ended because the item that the task process is running on was changed. ...
ID10833.ReturnValue% on %ID10834.ReturnValue% has ended because the item that the task process is running on was changed. ...