Failed to enable shutdown privilege. Error code: %1 Error message: %2 When virtual domain controller cloning failed or virtual domain controller clone configuration file appears on a non-supported hypervisor, the local machine will reboot into DSRM for troubleshooting. Enabling shutdown privilege failed.
Failed to determine the Group Policy properties of the installed system. Only a subset of Group Policy functionality will ...
Failed to disable auto logon following the successful upgrade of a domain controller. Unable to delete registry key %1. The ...
Failed to downloaded the central access policy settings file as follows. Remote File: %1 Local File: %2 GPO Name: %3 Error: ...
Failed to enable HighVersionLie for setup {0}. Ensure that the Application Verifier is installed and configured correctly. ...
Failed to enable shutdown privilege. Error code: %1 Error message: %2 When virtual domain controller cloning failed or virtual ...
Failed to establish a connection with host '%1' because a previous migration is still cleaning up. Please try again later. ...
Failed to establish a network connection. Error: %2 Server name: %4 Server address: %6 Connection type: %7 Guidance: This ...
Failed to export virtual machine '%1' because export path '%3' is too long. Try exporting the virtual machine to a shorter ...
Failed to export virtual machine '%1' because the file name '%4' is too long to be created in '%3'. Try exporting the virtual ...