104019;'{0}' statement failed because the expression identifying partition number for the {2} '{1}' is not a postive integer literal.
Startup of Always On Availability Groups replica manager failed due to SQL Server error %1!s!. To determine the cause of ...
Startup of the Always On Availability Replica Manager has been terminated, because the 'FixQuorum' property of Windows Server ...
Startup of the database-mirroring master thread routine failed for the following reason: %1!s!. Correct the cause of this ...
Statement '%1!s!' failed, because it attempted to set the value to '%2!s!' for the primary replica. A settings can only be ...
statement failed because the expression identifying partition number for the {2} '{1}' is not a postive integer literal. ...
Statistics '%s' specified in input configuration cannot be created because a duplicate statistics with the same name exists ...
Status information for Publisher '{0}' is stored at its Distributor, '{1}'. In the following dialog box, specify how Replication ...
STDDEV=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an ...
STDDEVP=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using ...