The sum of the values in the %2.1 field cannot be calculated because the current key does not contain all filtered fields./n/nYou must select a key that contains all fields in any order in the filter./n/nFilters: %1.10/nTable: %1.1/nKey fields: %1.6
The source file %1 is not a valid primary database file./n/nIn the source section of the command line, the first argument ...
The source file(s) cannot be backed up to the destination volume %1./nFree space on %1 is %2 KB. /n/nThe source files to ...
The SQL Server ODBC driver on your computer is not supported./n/nTo use the driver with Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic, you ...
The starting date %1 cannot be later than the ending date %2. Please, verify the contents of the Receipt Expected From and ...
The sum of the values in the %2.1 field cannot be calculated because the current key does not contain all filtered fields./n/nYou ...
The sum of the values in the %2.1 field cannot be calculated because the filter contains question marks (%19), asterisks ...
The sum of the values in the %2.1 field cannot be calculated because the table is filtered as 'Marked Only'./n/nTable: %1.1 ...
The sum of the values in the %2.1 field cannot be calculated because there is a filter on the following FlowField./n/nField: ...
The sum of the values in the %2.1 field cannot be calculated./n/nYou must define, activate, and select a key that contains ...