Gets or sets the name of the chart area the annotation is clipped to. To disable chart area clipping, set property to 'NotSet' or an empty string.
Gets or sets the horizontal callout line size. This attribute is only applied if labels are drawn outside of data points. ...
Gets or sets the minimum height of data points in relative coordinates. This attribute can be used to make very small pyramid ...
Gets or sets the minimum height of data points, in relative coordinates. This attribute can be used to make very small funnel ...
Gets or sets the minimum pie size. When used with outside labeling, this property controls the minimum acceptable pie size, ...
Gets or sets the name of the chart area the annotation is clipped to. To disable chart area clipping, set property to 'NotSet' ...
Gets or sets the X coordinate of the annotation. Set to Double.NaN ('NotSet') to achieve automatic positioning of an anchored ...
Given the cardinality of Association End Member {0}, it should be mapped to key columns of the table {1}. Either fix the ...
Given Windows.Foundation.IReference can not be converted to System.Nullable type. Type arguments can't be empty, string or ...
givenname,surname,emailaddress,streetaddress,locality,stateorprovince,postalcode,country,homephone,otherphone,mobilephon ...