Endpoints can be monitored using Basic or Standard management services. [{scaleManagementServicesId}| Scale your management services now|{scaleManagementServicesUrl}].
Enabling this directory for multi-factor authentication will allow you to require users in "{0}" to sign in using stronger ...
Endpoint at which your app can obtain an access token using OAuth2.0. After your app is authenticated, Microsoft Azure AD ...
Endpoint monitoring lets you monitor the availability of HTTP or HTTPS endpoints from geo-distributed locations. You can ...
Endpoint to which your apps should send sign-on requests when using the SAML-P protocol. Authentication responses will be ...
Endpoints can be monitored using Basic or Standard management services. {scaleManagementServicesId}| Scale your management ...
Endpoints can be monitored when in the Standard pricing tier. {scaleYourSiteId}| Scale your app now|{scaleYourSiteUrl}]. ...
Endpoints can be monitored when your mobile service runs in the Standard tier. {scaleYouSiteId}| Scale your app now|{scaleYourSiteUrl}]. ...
Ensure that 1. The VMM service is running. 2. The server can connect to the Internet. 3. The proxy settings used to connect ...
Ensure that the Mobility Services (InMage Scout VX Agent - Sentinel/Outpost) are running on the host and that the host is ...