The store service on server {2} is not running. This can cause messages to queue when they are destined to databases with message journaling is enabled.
The storage path '{0}' for a single copy cluster must be a clustered disk. Please specify a different path for the shared ...
The store driver encountered a poison message during message submission. The submission will be stopped for event %1 on mailbox ...
The store driver encountered a poison message during message submission. The submission will be stopped for event %1 on mailbox ...
The store driver submitted an NDR for failed event %1 mailbox %2 MDB %3, but the store driver failed to move the message ...
The store service on server {2} is not running. This can cause messages to queue when they are destined to databases with ...
The streaming page read from the file "%4" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed verification due to a page checksum mismatch. ...
The SyncKey in the request is not valid. Expected: {0} Received: {1}. To resolve this issue, the user must first try re-synchronizing ...
The syntax for a protocol command was either invalid or not recognized. The sender can try sending the e-mail message again ...
The system attendant is not responding. It may be paused, or the version of the Administrator program may not match the version ...