A replacement declaration is being generated for period (%1 - %2). The original declaration does not exist on the system. Are you sure you want to continue?
A released product or released product variant with no recent activity and no future demand might be obsolete. If this is ...
A reminder was successfully sent to the solution provider about your pending request. We appreciate your patience while the ...
A replacement declaration for fiscal period from %1 to %2 already exists. If it is to be re-created, the existing replacement ...
A replacement declaration is being generated for FY %1. The original declaration does not exist on the system. Are you sure ...
A replacement declaration is being generated for period (%1 - %2). The original declaration does not exist on the system. ...
A replacement line has been defined for return lot ID '%1'. Changing the quantity of the lot will cause the replacement line ...
A report for fiscal period from %1 to %2 already exists. If it is to be re-created, the existing report must be deleted. ...
A report is currently being generated. If you exit now, report generation will be cancelled. Are you sure you want to exit ...
A report running in batch can't print to the screen. Screen output will be automatically sent to the print archive instead. ...