Unable to refresh the linked table or tables pasted from the Clipboard. To refresh a linked table, click Update Selected in the ribbon.
Unable to insert the PivotTable. The range that you selected contains merged cells, and a cell that is part of a merged cell ...
Unable to load managed library because Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 or above is not installed on this computer. Install Microsoft ...
Unable to log in to Salesforce with provided credentials. Please make sure your Salesforce account allows API access and ...
Unable to obtain the current member because a non-aggregatable attribute has a calculated member coordinate from a different ...
Unable to refresh the linked table or tables pasted from the Clipboard. To refresh a linked table, click Update Selected ...
Unable to remove account '{0}' from the SQLServerMSAS$ $PowerPivot local Windows security group. This account appears to ...
Unable to retrieve the file from the file system or server. Make sure that the name of the file is correct, and if the file ...
Unable to retrieve the file from the server. Make sure that the name of the file is correct, and if the file is on a server, ...
Unable to set the end of the logical file within the physical file. Physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}. Logical file: %{LogicalFile/}. ...