Columns used to uniquely identify a row for net change tracking must be included in the list of captured columns. Add either the primary key columns of the source table, or the columns defined for the index specified in the parameter @index_name to the list of captured columns and retry the operation.
Column {0} of table {1} is a computed column with constraint of type {2}. This constraint is not supported on computed columns ...
ColumnName descriptor in the descriptor file on path {0} is invalid. The schema table does not contain a column with the ...
Columns in this expression have incompatibale collations. The generation of the collate clause would be incompatibe with ...
Columns specified in the captured column list could not be mapped to columns in source table '%1!s!.%2!s!'. Verify that the ...
Columns used to uniquely identify a row for net change tracking must be included in the list of captured columns. Add either ...
Columns with lineage IDs %1!d! and %2!d! have mismatched metadata. The input column that is mapped to an output column does ...
Columns with lineage IDs %1!d! and %2!d! have mismatched metadata. The input column that is mapped to an output column for ...
Command was executed to reposition to the start of the rowset. Either the order of the columns changed, or columns were added ...
Commit operation cannot be executed since it is attempting to materialize cell writebacks and modify the contents of the ...