Default cancelation logic requires that HasCancelBeenRequested is true. NativeActivity's Cancel method should only be invoked by the runtime.
DataSet can be associated with at most one XmlDataDocument. Cannot associate the DataSet with the current XmlDataDocument ...
DateTime values that are greater than DateTime.MaxValue or smaller than DateTime.MinValue when converted to UTC cannot be ...
Debugging and tracing let you diagnose and fix problems with the Web application, and are primarily intended to be used during ...
Default attribute '{0}' for element '{1}' could not be applied as the attribute namespace is not mapped to a prefix in the ...
Default cancelation logic requires that HasCancelBeenRequested is true. NativeActivity's Cancel method should only be invoked ...
Default endpoint configuration for standard endpoint '{0}' was not found in the configuration section '{1}'. This might be ...
Default property access is ambiguous between the inherited interface members '|1' of interface '|2' and '|3' of interface ...
Default provider is not defined in your configuration files. You must specify the defaultProvider within section to enable ...
Default settings for a Web site are automatically inherited from any configuration files that exist for the computer or for ...