The Network Name resource '%1' is a provider for an MSMQ resource. Kerberos Authentication support must be enabled for the ...

The Network Name resource '%1' is a provider for an MSMQ resource. Kerberos  Authentication support must be enabled for the Network Name resource in order  to successfully bring the MSMQ resource online. The attempt to enable this  feature failed; the associated error code is stored in the data section.
To set the RequireKerberos property for this resource, take this resource  offline, display this resource's properties in Cluster Administrator and  select the Parameters tab. Check the "Enable Kerberos Authentication" box and  press OK to save the changes. Bring this resource online.
Alternatively, the property can be set by using the cluster.exe command line  tool:
cluster resource "%1" /priv RequireKerberos=1
English (United States)